
  • Medical device storage management program development

    Medical device storage management program developmentI. Overview Record the storage time of the equipment and the time it leaves. The temperature and humidity can be displayed on the screen, LED li

    2020/11/03 139

  • Smart air purifier

    Smart air purifierIn order to be able to understand and monitor air quality more intuitively, the smart air purifier is equipped with an intelligent monitoring system, which can be simply understood a

    2020/11/03 61

  • How to extend the life of LCD screen

    How to extend the life of the LCD screen?When the brightness of the LCD screen is reduced to a certain time, there will be less obvious scanning lines. This is because the display automatically reduce

    2020/11/03 99

  • Traffic signal control machine program development

    Design description of traffic signal controller circuit board:Functions and features of intelligent traffic signal controller:1. LCD display page in Chinese, intuitive man-machine interface, simple op

    2020/11/03 hongling 69

  • 数显压力表方案


    2020/06/19 hongling 30

  • 咖啡秤PCBA方案设计

    咖啡文化成为近几年的流行趋势,作为世界三大饮料之一,咖啡的定位是无法撼动的。所以日常生活中尤其是写字楼的上班族里,总能看到一群人手握着一杯咖啡冲进高楼大厦中开启一天的工作。制作咖啡也是一个很有趣的过程,将咖啡豆磨成粉通过咖啡秤设定好水和咖啡粉的比例,根据自己的喜好制作摩卡或者拿铁等都可以。其实做咖啡不难,难的是咖啡粉与水的比例问题,所以才有了咖啡秤这个智能帮手。咖啡秤方案 咖啡秤芯片 方案开发鼎盛

    2020/06/19 hongling 17

  • 数显胎压计芯片方案开发

    数显胎压计芯片方案开发一、功能1. 工作电压:DC: 3.0V2. 工作电流:≤1000uA(不包括射灯和背光的电流)3. 静态电流:≤5uA4. 开机显示方式:三位半1.8.8.8或者三位8.8.85. 测量范围:3~150PSI;(可设置)6. 测量精度:1%FS7. 分辩率:0.5psi或0.1psi(可选)8. 压力为零时显示:0.0PSI或00.0PSI;0 kpa或000kpa9. 工

    2020/06/19 hongling 5

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